understand physiology to understand you.



Definition of physiology

1: A branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter (such as organs, tissues and cells) and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved

- compare ANATOMY

2: the organic processes and phenomena of an organism or any of its parts or of a particular bodily process



Definition of you

1: The product of your physiology.

our approach to clinical issues

The world of health is an over saturated market full of confusing and often contradictory information. The traditional routs we seek for help in a clinical setting i.e. visiting your GP, hospital or ‘specialist’ can leave you more confused and concerned then when you arrived. We do it a little differently.

‘Exercise physiology’ as a profession was designed to ‘treat chronic illness through lifestyle intervention.’ This seems like a great idea seeing as the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has stated that chronic disease is ‘Australia’s biggest health challenge.’* You essentially have to sell the very real and well researched FACT that EXERCISE IS MEDICINE to a population of people who have often neglected their body and mind in enough ways for it to literally start breaking down while they are alive.

Many have followed the advice of ‘health professionals’ over the years. They ate the traditional food pyramid we were sold by cereal companies, got diabetes (how could that be?) and then went to get help. Take this pill and you’ll be okay. Years and years later, due to the fact the root cause of the diabetes was never properly addressed, serious complications began. But they promise they have been taking the pills.

This ‘health management’ example of diabetes is mirrored with many other chronic illnesses (PAIN, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION). This creates a lack of trust in the health care system and individuals suffering start to feel like they have no option, so why bother trying?

At AB Physiology we work to help you gain understanding and a sense of control over health issues that have been bothering you for a while. We help you carve a path out of your discomfort and suffering.

* Reference

our approach to performance

From LIFE performance to HIGH performance, improvements often come down to finding better BALANCE. How well can you balance WORK and RECOVERY in order to achieve and maintain the level of output you desire.

Occasionally we may be over worked AND under-recovered, but when we get down to if you recover more efficiently you may have more in the tank. This doesn’t mean you need to go to extreme measures. It is all about making small, manageable changes over time that lead to long lasting results.

It starts with how you BREATHE, which has a profound impact on the quality of your SLEEP. From there, depending on your specific goals ,we progress through to how you MOVE and EAT.

If there are aspects of your health and performance that I feel can be better managed by more specific practitioners, I have some very talented friends to connect you with. They cover the fields of:

  • high performance strength and conditioning

  • diet and weight cutting

  • sports/performance psychology

  • general psychology

abouT alex

As an exercise physiologist Alex has focused his attention on some challenging clinical populations since finishing formal university studies. Spending four years working almost exclusively with war veterans, he used this time to sharpen his clinical skills and approach to chronic disease management.

During this stage of his career Alex was fortunate enough to work along side some talented clinical psychologists and physiotherapists. These mentors helped connect the dots between the physical and mental (or the body and mind) as they do not work in isolation and must be managed accordingly.

At the same time he kept his ear to the ground when it came to performance and recovery. Alex has been involved in competitive submission grappling since 2015. This sport is based on strangling or manipulating the limbs and joints of your opponent until they tap out, lose consciousness, or something breaks.

Due to the nature of this sport and his desire to continue with this challenge, Alex actually practices what it is he preaches. This not only keeps his body and mind sound (and intact), it also enhances his ability to clearly explain difficult concepts. By being able to draw on personal experience, as well as research and common practice, Alex aims to find practical solutions to common, and not so common, hurdles on the path of life.